focusing on the ISSUES THAT MATTER

Simple Voting. Secure Elections

  • With attacks from the left to impede voter turn out in the 2024 Presidential Election, Missouri needs a Secretary of State who will stand up to those who attempt to stack the deck against their political enemies. Missouri needs to set the expectation of holding free and fair elections with results on Election Day — Jamie Corley is the one who will set that standard. She will ensure that we have a zero-tolerance policy for election interference in the Show-Me State.

  • With people and companies fleeing states like California and New York, Missouri must be competitive in attracting new businesses to our state. This starts by setting the example of supporting the local and small businesses that already drive Missouri's economy and cutting the bureaucratic red tape that prevents businesses from being successful.

  • Jamie Corley has seen the worst of what comes from weak-on-crime policies, and how that impacts communities and businesses. As Secretary of State, Corley will fight for safety and security in our streets so that Missourians and their businesses have the opportunity to thrive. This starts with supporting law enforcement and ensuring that they have the training and resources necessary to effectively do their jobs.